Studio Scholarships

We know that some folks are disappointed that we’ve retired the Devil Mask Society tying Cell, but we promise it’s for a good reason. While we’ll still be running Cell X, our bottoming education cohort, sunsetting the Tying Cell gives us space to offer students more flexibility, more agency, and more time through a scholarship program at the studio. Applications launch Friday, June 28, 2024.

How It Works:

A scholarship award is for one (1) year of Standard Membership to the Studio. That includes:

  • $200 of credit per month towards play parties, open studio, and our in-house classes: Studio Series, STiR, Bottoms Up, and Why Knot
  • a locker to stash your stuff (and maybe a pair of studio slippers)
  • 24 hour early access to tickets, plus:
  • a private Discord channel to chat with other scholarship recipients, coordinate practice time, etc.

There’s no volunteer or work requirement – we just ask that you use it. Scholarship recipients who go more than three consecutive months without attending a studio event may lose their scholarship.

The Process:

So, what does the process look like? Let’s use a hypothetical student, R, as a case study.

  1. R fills out an application.
  2. The Scholarship Committee reaches out to R to schedule an interview.
  3. R and a Committee Member meet to talk about R’s learning goals, make sure they understand the scholarship policies and expectations, and make sure this is a good mutual fit.
  4. The Committee meets to review all applications before any awards are made. The Committee Member believes that R is a strong fit so they advocate for them during the deliberation.
  5. Yay! R is awarded a scholarship – the studio reaches out to them to set up their membership.

The Nitty Gritty:

We will consider all applications received during our initial application window, June 28-July 5. Applications close at midnight on July 05. The form will reopen once we have assessed all of the applicants in the first application cycle, date TBD. We’ll announce when the form reopens via email list & social media.

If we do not fill all scholarship spots with this cycle, applications will be assessed on a rolling basis until all slots are filled. As spaces become available, we’ll work through applications in the order that we received them to fill those spots.

I Want to support the Scholarship Program

The single best way to support our scholarship program is by signing up for a membership! A strong base of recurring revenue helps us plan for the future.

Don’t want a membership? Already got one? You can contribute directly here or get in touch with us to discuss sponsorship opportunities.

Got more questions? Want the nittier-grittier details? Check out our full Scholarship Policy.

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