Consent Policy


We are dedicated to creating a safe, consensual, and respectful environment for all individuals at Devil Mask Studio. Consent is of paramount importance, and this Consent Policy outlines our commitment to fostering a culture of enthusiastic and informed consent within our studio space.

Consent Framework

Informed Consent: Informed consent is an affirmative, voluntary, and conscious agreement to participate in any Shibari activities, including scenes, demonstrations, or educational workshops. It includes an understanding of the risks involved in participation. Consent must be freely given, without any form of coercion, pressure, or manipulation.

Enthusiastic Consent: We prioritize enthusiastic consent, which means that all participants must be genuinely willing and excited to engage in any activities. Silence, passivity, or a lack of resistance does not constitute consent.

Consent Is

Omnipresent: Attendees are expected to practice good consent in all of their interactions in this space, inducing photography.

Ongoing: consent requires open, honest, and continual communication. Participants are encouraged to discuss their boundaries, preferences, and intentions with their partners both before and during any activities.

Revocable: Participants have the right to withdraw their consent at any point during an activity. If consent is revoked, all activities must cease immediately, and partners must respect the decision without question or judgment.

Specific: Consent to one act is not consent to any act. Consent for photography or recording during activities is a separate element and should be negotiated separately. No photographs or videos may be taken without the explicit and informed consent of all individuals who appear and/or are heard.

Establishing Boundaries

Negotiation: Before engaging in any Shibari activities, participants should engage in a negotiation phase to discuss boundaries, limits, and desires. This negotiation should be clear, respectful, and mutual.

Safe Words or Signals: Participants are encouraged to establish safe words or signals to communicate discomfort, the need for a break, or the withdrawal of consent during an activity. Safe words or signals should be respected immediately. Attendees must negotiate a nonverbal safeword for any activities that may make speaking clearly hard or impossible.

The studio safewords are “red” and “safeword.” If a staff member hears these words and observes play continuing without a check-in, they will intervene to ensure the safety of all parties.

Reporting Consent Violations

We recommend that you write down an account of what happened as immediately as possible.

Reporting a Consent Violation: reports may be made to [email protected] – an inbox that only Nora has access to. If you would prefer to make your report to a third party, please contact Fuoco, who has agreed to act as a neutral third party.

Responsibility: It is the responsibility of all individuals in the Studio to monitor and uphold the principles of consent. If anyone witnesses or experiences a consent violation, it should be reported promptly to Studio staff or the event host.

Confidentiality: Reports of consent violations will be handled with discretion and confidentiality. Studio staff will work to address the situation appropriately.

Consent Education

Workshops and Resources: The Studio provides educational resources and workshops to help attendees develop a deeper understanding of consent and healthy communication within the context of Shibari activities.

Community Support: Our studio encourages a supportive community where individuals can seek guidance, advice, or support regarding consent-related issues.

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