Code of conduct


We are committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and respectful space for all members of our community to explore and practice Shibari. To facilitate a positive experience for everyone, we have established this Code of Conduct that outlines our expectations for attendee behavior, scene cleanup, phone usage, and photography. This Code of Conduct is in effect during both studio-sponsored and rental events.

Attendee Behavior

We expect all attendees to conduct themselves in a respectful and consensual manner while in our studio. Please adhere to the following guidelines:

Respect Others: Treat all attendees with respect, regardless of their gender, age, race, sexual orientation, or experience level. Always ask for and respect provided names and pronouns. Discrimination, harassment, or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.

Privacy: Respect the privacy of others by not interrupting scenes in progress, and avoid taking photos or videos without explicit consent from all parties involved.

Safety: Shibari is a high risk activity; prioritize safety at all times. Attendees are expected to self-educate and have an understanding of their own skill level, limitations, and the potential risks associated with any activities they opt into in Studio spaces. Attendees must take steps to mitigate these risks, including but not limited to:

  • keeping a working cutting tool within arm’s reach when tying
  • ensuring all carabiners (and any other climbing equipment) are appropriately load rated
  • visually inspecting all equipment and hardpoint prior to tying

Staff may step in to ensure these criteria are being met.

Sobriety: The use of alcohol or non-prescription psychoactive drugs is strictly prohibited during Studio activities and in all Studio spaces. Misrepresenting your sobriety to engage in play or other Studio activities will be treated as a violation of consent.

Sexual Contact: sexual contact with genitals is strictly forbidden in the Studio. This includes (but is not limited to) genital-to-genital contact, manual stimulation, oral stimulation, and the use of sex toys.

Legality: All attendees are expected to comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws while in the Studio. This includes but is not limited to:

Illegal substances: The possession, use, sale, or distribution of illegal drugs or controlled substances within the studio is strictly prohibited.

Age of consent: Attendees must adhere to the age of consent laws in California and the United States. Engaging in any sexual or BDSM activities with individuals under the legal age of consent is a criminal offense and will not be tolerated.

Respect for the law: Any actions that are in violation of California or federal law, including non-consensual activities or activities that result in harm or injury are strictly prohibited.

Consent & Negotiation

Devil Mask Studio maintains a specific Consent Policy. By participating in events at the studio you are opting into this consent policy.

Equipment Use, Hygiene & Scene Cleanup

Maintaining a clean and safe environment is essential for everyone’s well-being.

Hardpoints are a Shared Resource. Please monitor your timing to ensure that all attendees have a chance to tie. Studio staff may step in to ensure equitable access.

Do not attach to the wooden beams with anything other than nylon webbing or rope. Attaching to hardpoints with any other materials (i.e. chain) requires explicit permission from Studio staff.

Shibari is an activity that frequently involves close proximity. Please maintain good personal hygiene to ensure the comfort of all participants. Please also limit the use of scented products to keep our space as accessible as possible.

After each scene, attendees must:

  • Leave the space as they found it, ensuring that it is tidy, free of hazards, and ready for use. If this is not possible, immediately contact Studio staff to resolve the situation.
  • Clean and sanitize any equipment or surfaces used during the scene.
  • Dispose of any waste, such as cut rope, wipes, or other personal items in designated receptacles.
Phone Usage

To maintain a distraction-free environment and respect the privacy of attendees, the following rules regarding phone usage apply:

  • Limit phone usage to designated areas outside of active scene areas. Phone calls should only be made in the lobby area or outside of the Studio
  • Silence your phone or set it to vibrate mode upon entering the Studio.
Recording Policy

For our purposes, recording includes photographs, videos, and voice recordings. Recording can be an enjoyable and educational part of the Shibari experience, but it must be approached with sensitivity and respect for everyone involved. Therefore, we have the following policies in place:

No Non-Consensual Photography: Do not take photos or videos of anyone without their explicit and informed consent, both for the act itself and the sharing or distribution of the content.

Respect Privacy: If you are granted consent to take photos or videos, be mindful of attendees’ preferences regarding how and where the content is shared. Always respect requests for anonymity, limited distribution, and removal from platforms.

Photography Guidelines: We encourage attendees to adhere to responsible photography practices, such as obtaining model release forms when necessary, blurring faces or identifiable features upon request, and respecting any specific photography rules set by the individuals involved in a scene.

Recording requires informed consent from anyone who will be recorded and must be obtained before the recording is taken. This includes both consent to be in the recording and for sharing or distribution of the recording. We encourage usage of model release forms, as applicable.

Since consent is revocable, please respect all requests from anyone in the recording who requests deletion, blurring of their likeness or identifiable features, or removal of the recording from any platform after the fact.

Consequences for Violations

Devil Mask Studio reserves the right to remove individuals who violate this Code of Conduct or pose a risk to the safety and well-being of others. Failure to comply with this policy may result in various consequences, including but not limited to warnings, suspension from the Studio, or permanent expulsion, depending on the severity and frequency of the violations.

Reporting Concerns

If you witness or experience any violation of this Code of Conduct, please report it to the Studio owner, designated staff member, or event host immediately.

If you would like to report a violation of this Code of Conduct after-the-fact, please reach out to [email protected].

We are committed to addressing and resolving any issues promptly and discreetly.

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